Booker T Washington National Monument covers 223 acres. The monument depicts Booker T Washington's first 9 years in slavery by recreating the environment of his childhood. Freed at the end of the Civil War, Washington rose from his impoverished childhood to found Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama, among many other distinctions and honors.
Roanoke Virginia
(Roanoke) Booker T Washington National Monument
(Manassas) Manassas National Battlefield Park
03/16 Coming to The Roanoke area Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival Harrisonburg VA June9-16 The Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival is a week-long summer music festival devoted to promoting an appreciation and understanding of the music of Bach and a featured composer, country, era or people. Appalachian Festival Beckley WV August23-25 The 17th Annual Appalachian Festival is three big days packed with arts, crafts, entertainment, music, food and fun! Golden Delicious Festival Clay WV August30-September1 The Golden Delicious is the State Fruit of West Virginia. Clay County is the birthplace of the golden delicious. Antique Car Show, Art Auction Baking Contest,
5K Run/Walk, Golf Tournament.