The county seat of Carroll County, Virginia, is Hillsville. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 27,808, an increase of 1,289 over the 1990 census. For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site. Additional information is available at these pages:
Hillsville Virginia
Other Virginia Counties nearby:
(Bland) Bland County
(Hillsville) Carroll County
(Floyd) Floyd County
(Rocky Mount) Franklin County
(Independence) Grayson County
(Christiansburg) Montgomery County
03/22 Coming to The Hillsville area Virginia Highlands Festival Abingdon VA August2-11 Showcasing Appalachian arts and crafts. Appalachian Festival Beckley WV August23-25 The 17th Annual Appalachian Festival is three big days packed with arts, crafts, entertainment, music, food and fun!