Lake Wenatchee YMCA Camp offers year-round camp programs, summer camp for kids, family camps, outdoor environmental education and retreats. In keeping with their commitment to serve the whole family, the Lake Wenatchee YMCA Camp once again will offer an opportunity for families to spend quality vacation time together. Join us Memorial Day weekend or Labor Day weekend for an Old-Fashioned Family Camp weekend. The price includes a rustic cabin with a fireplace or wood stove that sleeps up to 8 people (bunk bed style), meals, archery and canoeing. Leave the cooking and dishes to them!
PO Box 1974, Wenatchee Washington 98807
509-662-2109 Fax 509-662-8532
Other Education nearby:
(Moses Lake) Big Bend Community College
(Ellensburg) Central Washington University
(Wenatchee) Columbia Elementary School
(Entiat) Entiat School District
(Wenatchee) Lake Wenatchee YMCA Camp
(Wenatchee) Lewis and Clark Elementary School
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03/13 Coming to The Wenatchee area Apple Blossom Festival Wenatchee WA April1-May5 A delicious part of the Apple Blossom Festival is the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Food Fair. Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest Leavenworth WA May16-19 Learn about the wide variety of migratory birds that come here for a brief, but important part of their year: the breeding season. Hear the songs sung only during the breeding season. Bellevue Strawberry Festival Bellevue WA June22-23 Entertainment, an auto show, vendors, food, and family fun are all highly visible parts of the festivities. Issaquah Salmon Days Festival Issaquah WA October5-6 Celebrating the amazing return of the salmon each Fall to our Pacific Northwest lakes, streams and historic downtown hatchery.