The DeVoe Mansion, a grand three-story colonial home, was completed in 1911 for Henry and Emma Smith DeVoe. This grand home began as a humble late 1800's farm house. In 1910 the DeVoe's bought their country home and five acres of land and began the work creating the 5,600 square foot mansion as it is today. They named their dream home Villa DeVoe.
In 1993 the home was added to the National Register of Historic places as a tribute to Emma and her work for the women's suffrage cause, on both a state and national level. Dave and Cheryl Teifke bought the mansion in 1993, with the desire to open it as a bed and breakfast and share the wonderful house, it's history, and the legacy Emma left behind with others.
The mansion features four lovely antique-filled guest rooms with queen beds, TV/VCR, and private baths. After a restful sleep, awaken to hot gourmet coffee and an incredible full breakfast. One hour to Mount Rainier or Seattle.