The Columbia River Exhibition of History, Science, and Technology is a museum and a science center created to tell the dynamic story of the Columbia Basin and surrounding region. This facility features a variety of two- and three- dimensional exhibits and displays. Visitors will be entertained with interactive, hands-on displays and activities.
From primitive irrigation systems to the development and use of robotics, you will enjoy a fascinating journey through the unique Columbia Basin region. In one afternoon you can:
- Explore the trails of Lewis and Clark
- Discover the unique history and geology of the Columbia River
- Experience the new exhibit "Connections", which shows technology developed at Hanford and how it is benefiting many areas of life
- Follow the history of the Hanford area from the town of White Bluffs through the Manhattan Project
- Explore hydroelectric power and Hanford Reach history.
Hours:10 am to 5 pm Monday-Saturday, Noon to 5 pm Sunday. Closed major holidays.