The gardens in front of the house are representative of a Victorian garden of 100 years ago. The gardens that surround the house contain many rare and unusual trees and shrubs.
The house was built in 1889 by Hulda's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Theil. It was sold to Hulda and Frank Klager for one dollar. Many of the furnishings are original. The house is only open during the Lilac Open House which usually begins in mid-April and runs through Mother's Day.
The quaint gift shop is located in the old carriage barn. Handcrafted items, stationery, scented bath items, as well as many lilac-theme items are available. The gift shop is only open during the Open House.
The gardens are open daily from 10:00 to dusk. A $1 donation at the gate is requested.
Lilac plants may be purchased at the gardens or by mail order.