Online Highways Home > Washington > Ephrata

Grant County

Search Ephrata Washington

The county seat of Grant County, Washington, is Ephrata. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 72,019, an increase of 17,221 over the 1990 census.

For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site.

Additional information is available at these pages:

Location: Ephrata Washington

Other Washington Counties nearby:
(Wenatchee) Chelan County
(Waterville) Douglas County
(Ephrata) Grant County
(Ellensburg) Kittitas County

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03/14 Coming to The Ephrata area
Apple Blossom Festival Wenatchee WA April1-May5 A delicious part of the Apple Blossom Festival is the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Food Fair.
Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest Leavenworth WA May16-19 Learn about the wide variety of migratory birds that come here for a brief, but important part of their year: the breeding season. Hear the songs sung only during the breeding season.