Ashegon Lake Resort offers 3 modern housekeeping vacation cabins that are perfect for family getaways, fishing adventures, and reunions. Cabins include showers and flush toilets, bedrooms, gas heat, fully equipped kitchens, bed linens, 14' boat, barbecue grills, and picnic tables. The Resort offers motel rooms with showers, flush toilets, bed linens, gas heat, and fully equipped kitchen. There is a playground, barbecue area, fire pit, guide service, screened-in fish cleaner, and pontoon boat rentals are available. There are restaurants and supper clubs are nearby. The National Fishing Hall of Fame and Historyland Logging Museum are the local area attractions. Resort activities include volleyball, swimming, boating, hiking, biking, and fishing.
P O Box 101, 5821 North County Rd CC, Couderay Wisconsin 54828
Other Motels, Hotels and Resorts nearby:
(Spooner) Andree's Resort
(Couderay) Ashegon Lake Resort
(Hayward) At Eagles Rest
(Trego) Bay Park Resort and Campground
(Hayward) Best Western Northern Pine Inn
(Birchwood) Big Chetac Resort
03/14 Coming to The Couderay area Shepherd's Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival Lake Elmo MN May10-12 Shepherd’s Harvest Festival is an opportunity for rural and urban people to meet and share information about sheep and sheep products and other fiber-producing animals. Rhubarb Days Osceola WI June7-8 Enjoy rhubarb at Mill Pond Park in Osceola. Cranberry Blossom Festival Wisconsin Rapids WI June20-23 More than 20 events including live music, a parade, arts and crafts, cranberry blossom tours, and culinary treats featuring Wisconsin's tart and tangy fruit, the cranberry! CHUM Rhubarb Festival Duluth MN June29 Enjoy a delicious array of rhubarb delicacies, including hundreds of pies, muffins, and crisps as well as rhubarb brats and burritos that will have your taste buds wanting more. All Pints North Duluth MN July13 Join us by the lake to meet the brewers and enjoy unlimited amazing Minnesota+ craft beer samples, hip food vendors, beer-centered activities and educational components, live music and entertainment, and much more! Pig in the Pines Ribfest St. Germain WI August1-3 The 9th Annual Pig In The Pines RibFest features award winning ribs, live music every day, family attractions and an all-around good time.