Minnich Florist and Gifts offers a wide range of gifts and floral bouquets for anniversaries, holidays, festivals and birthdays. They provide domestic delivery in US and Canada.
722 Elk St, Gassaway West Virginia 26624
Other Shopping nearby:
(Duck) Cantrell Plantation Handmade Goods
(South Charleston) Green Hill Candles
(Elkins) Hartman's Flower Shoppe
(Gassaway) Minnich Florist and Gifts
(Sutton) Poplar Forest Collectible Crafts
(Slatyfork) The Why Not Shop
03/06 Coming to The Gassaway area West Virginia Strawberry Festival Buckhannon WV May15-19 The Festival is a unique, traditional celebration to promote the strawberry harvest. Enthusiastic volunteers provide good, family style entertainment that offers exciting educational and cultural events for everyone. Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival Harrisonburg VA June9-16 The Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival is a week-long summer music festival devoted to promoting an appreciation and understanding of the music of Bach and a featured composer, country, era or people. Mountainfest Morgantown WV July24-28 Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival Wheeling WV July26-28 Bocce tournament, pasta exhibit, wine competition, entertainment. Appalachian Festival Beckley WV August23-25 The 17th Annual Appalachian Festival is three big days packed with arts, crafts, entertainment, music, food and fun!