In NW Wyoming, in Park County. W-SW of the town of Cody. Out of Cody, on U.S. Hwys 20-16/14 and WY State Hwy 291 on the S side of the park. Elevations vary from approximately 5,400 feet in the state park to over 10,000 feet in the Absarokas.
Mountains dominate the scenery.
Buffalo Bill State Park was originally owned by Colonel Cody and was acquired from him by the federal government to implement the reservoir project. Work began on the dam in 1905. When completed in 1910 it was the highest dam in the world at 325 feet. Buffalo Bill State Park was established in 1957 and provides recreational areas and facilities along the shoreline.
There are two developed campgrounds at Buffalo Bill State Park.
Things To Do:Fishing, Boating, Camping, Picnicking, SightSeeing, Photography, Wildlife viewing, Windsurfing, Walking/Hiking & Bicycling.
Campsites:9 tent only, 88 tent/trailer. Trailer Dump Station. 9 Picnic areas, 2 Plygnds. Restrooms:16 Public Telephones:2. Boat ramp/dock yes-3.